Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Been a Long Day

Well, it totally happened. I got the worst case of writer's block ever. Not like I'm so much of a writer, but I have never experienced anything like it. Yeah, its hard to write a paper for school, but to just write about your own life? Its harder then it sounds.

But I'll give it whirl because heck, it's Christmas Eve, or I guess technically Christmas now, and I am sitting in my bed, as I have been for the last 3 hours, watching gossip girl like it's the most important thing that this planet has to physically offer. Let me just be real, as much as I would love to read, and I can find myself to enjoy it, when I see a good tv show, my gosh I just can't help myself. Its like a curse. Kinda the same as a book but more modern, right? (Some english lover is going to kill me for that) but I'm just being real.

And on the subject of reality, let me just allow you all to get a good look at mine.

So Christmas break happened a little early for me. I was able to finish my exams in two days, barely. I had 3 exams in one day, no don't be impressed. It was dumb. And since my dorm room suddenly turned into a mix of a sauna, cheap motel, and a humid stuffy camp cabin, I couldn't stay another night. So I packed my things and headed home, allowing myself to have a full 5 weeks of Christmas vacation.

I left with more excitement then most Freshmen in college. I left knowing I was coming home to home- cooked food, some people that actually knew me, and my comfortable, oh so comfortable bed. Well, just because home now in my mind seemed to be a vacation, I quickly learned that it is not. It actually hit me with  more reality then I ever saw coming.

As I began my first week with all my friends home for the holidays, I was hit with something. A stumbling block perhaps. Or better said a wall. I hit a wall. Hard. I was faced with someone that one can only imagine in the movies. Oh social suicide, what a devious little thing. Well, it happened. It happened in a way that I never imagined happening to anyone I ever would really know. Not like it was a huge deal, I now realize that I may have over-reacted a tad in the whole ordeal. But, the fact that I made someone so upset, upset me. It actually nasiated me to the point wh--- Well, I guess that's beside the point. Anyways, it hit me in a way that I would never expect. I didn't want revenge, nor did I want to know who this anonymous "sniper" was. I was just distraught. I was distraught that someone would be so unhappy that they would have to try to bring down someone else the way that they did.

So that happened, and it seemed to last forever. But it didn't, I got over it with the help of some good people :) My gosh, did I just put a smiley face on this? No shame.

And well, I finally settled back into being happy. And not only happy with my past, or my present, but somehow, seemed to be excited about my future, and the adventures I will go on.

I know I seem to say it a lot, but God is good. There's nothing more simple and yet so complex at the same time. And so good.

Now before I leave y'all with what seems to be an annual song, let me apologize for two things. You can skip this if you want. But 1. Sorry I got super annoyingly personal, but blogs are supposed to be real things about our lives. So, I'm not that sorry about that one. And 2. Sorry I didn't do a Christmas blog, but hey, i'm trying to keep things spontaneous. But Merry Christmas anyways, I did my Christmas blog a little early fyi for all you people that think i'm Scrooge.

This song pretty much totally and completely sums up my life. Kinda creepy how perfect it is.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let's take a better look, beyond a story book. And learn our souls are all we own. Before we turn to stone.

Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. It can change you, it in fact, can change the world. A world full of forgiveness is a world full of peace. Bitterness and hate can make the heart cold, while forgiveness and love can make it warm again. Such a simple message in such a simple song. Love it or leave it (you'll probably love it.)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Falling from the sky, in the night, to the earth below.

Today's one of those days. I'm sitting in our cute little student center, with a hot cup of flavored coffee in my hand from Starbucks. The only legitimate next step here would be write on my blog. It just all makes sense, right? I should definitely be doing homework right now, like always, but again, I am not. Instead I decided to do this.

So, all everyone's been talking about lately is Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited, so excited that I began listening to Christmas music a month and a half ago. Pretty much ever sense the first day it was slightly below 70 degrees. Cold weather=Christmas. So along with this Christmas music, I have begun listening to one of my very very favorite songs. It's like THE most awesome song ever.

Before I tell you what it is, I'm going to tell you about it. So don't be a jerk and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the song, or listen to it. That would ruin all the fun, now wouldn't it?

Well, let me begin by saying something that most of us know as common knowledge. CHRISTmas is about Christ. It's a celebration of our Savior being born into this world, and saving His people. This is something that most of us know, and although we do get excited about this, it doesn't seem to be until the actual day or week of Christmas. Let's be honest, when you think about Christmas break right now rarely do we think about how we are so excited about celebrating Christ's birth. Those thoughts are overtaken by the thoughts of family, friends, food, and fun. 

As awful as it is, it's the truth. And along with that, when we think of Jesus' birth,we often don't think about how he came. Yes, we know where he was born, and that he had a virgin mother, Mary. But I mean actually HOW he came.

Did you ever realize the beauty of how he came? He came in the winter. Not the summer, or spring, or fall but winter. He came calmly, and gently. He came without trumpets or banging cymbals. He came not visually as powerful. But instead, He came quiet, and soft, and slow

How amazing, that he came so gently, and so unnoticed but he was the SON of GOD. Could you be a more important person? His grace and humility is so impacting. It's hard to grasp how gently His coming was. So hidden to the world. What a great gift He was to all of mankind. And his gift was sinners. Jesus' love is so sweet. And Jesus is so PEACEFUL.

And now, I'm going to put the song on here. I know that I practically just rewrote what the song says, but even though it's obvious to understand the song, it took me a while to fully and truly grasp the sweetness of Jesus in this song. I hope y'all become as obsessed with this song as I am. Merry Christmas!

"Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth PEACE to those in whom his favor rests."
Luke 14:2

"Winter Snow" by Audrey Assad

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Alright, I had the WORST NIGHT EVER yesterday. Here's why.

It all began in my luxury sized suite of a dorm room. I was getting ready for Chapter. I whipped out some wedges that I hadn't worn in a while and put them on. After I put one on, I bent over to put the other one on. Somehow in this easy task, I lost balance and busted and fell on my face. In my dorm. All alone. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I struggled to get on the futon. I adjusted myself and quickly found my phone to text my roommate to let her know what had just happened. Even though I had already fallen once, I still kept those shoes on and began to walk the 15 minute walk to chapter. As I was walking, I was going over all different type terrain, trying to figure out how to precisely take each step in order for me to keep my balance. I had also begun to doubt myself and my walking abilities. I felt my ankles as they started to tremble, but knew it was just me psyching myself out. I was thinking "Get it together, Lucy. We've got this."

Every now and then I would have a little stumble, but didn't care unless someone was around. If someone WAS around to witness it, I would act like a mere rock got stuck in the bottom of my shoe, to cause my little stumble, and I would "wipe it off' my shoe. At this point I was realizing that maybe it wasn't me psyching myself out, but that I was really that unable to walk. I started to become hot and flushed thinking of the horror of a fall. I could not let myself fall. No way. That was never going ----

And then it happened. I fell.

Now, I'm sure you can imagine. Me, walking, people around, middle of everyone. The very saddest part is that I did not trip over a rock, or a leaf, or even a tiny crack in the pavement, in fact I never even tripped. I purely just in plain sight fell. I was so embarrassed, I took my shoes off as fast as I could and ran away from the scene. As if that doesn't make it look more obvious.

And you think my awful night is over. It is not.

After chapter I regained some confidence and put my 'easy to walk in for a normal person' shoes back on and was just fine. I walked with no shakes or squirms. I was now hungry. It was almost 9 o'clock which meant all the on campus places to eat would be closing soon. Since I was already in the village, I got the pasta on which I had been craving. My mouth literally began to water as I watched the Tiger Dining lady make my food. I saw a friend in there who offered to drive me home. I was to thrilled about the ride as I thought about my little mishap a couple hours earlier. I got my food and safely made it to the car.

When I got dropped off, I made it to the door of my dorm, no problem. I was thinking of eating my pasta with a real silver fork, something that hadn't been done since coming to college. Oh the possibilities... I had already gotten my tiger card ready before I got out of the car, because I knew that would be a struggle with my pasta in one hand, and my newly received sorostitute t-shirts in the other. I swiped my card, opened the door, and bam. It happened.

I had some how managed to swing the door opened so quickly, that I was unable to back up before opening. Because of this, my yummy pasta was violently knocked out of my hands and fell on the ground. I'm a firm believer in the 5 second rule (or 5 minute rule.) I will pretty much eat anything, but my pasta was uneatable. It had not fallen on its side so a little spilled out, or not even on its side so a lot spilled out. It fell completely upside down, covering the entire sidewalk. I stomped up to my dorm in tears and laughter, not knowing exactly how to deal with this.

After about 15 minutes I calmed down and regained composure.

Luckily after that, my night went smoothly and without even a trip. ( I know you were all so concerned)

After this message, I really don't have any advice. I feel as if I didn't do anything wrong, I was just faced with a pinch of bad luck. Unfortunate events I guess you could say. Now, thinking through the night I am chuckling to myself again, so find some joy out of this.

I know this is COMPLETELY irrelevant but AHHH Jayme just came out with a new video!!!! So here it is! Isn't she just amazingly, awesome?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

perfect imperfections.

This blog post is dedicated to all things perfect. Or perfect to me that is. These things describe simplicity and complexity. Love and hate. Tears and laughter. Blah blah blah cliche cliche cliche. But hey, think about it, we are all a little bit cliche. So anyways, these are all the perfect things. And I mean perfect y'all.

Hot Beverages:
I'm talking about hot chocolate, flavored lattes, cappuccinos...etc. Now, even if you don't like hot drinks (which I've never met anyone who doesn't but I'm sure you're out there somewhere) here is one that you can't NOT like. Look at this and tell me again that you don't like hot drinks. AND i'll even give y'all the recipe, you're more welcome.

Oversized Sweaters:
I LOVE oversized sweaters. Need I say more?
Literally perfect.

Zooey Deschanel:
This girl is awesome. Now I will always and forever practically worship the ground that Sara Bareilles stands on, BUT this girl is pretty dadgum close. She's funny, can sing, artsy, PERFECT (obviously).
AND she's in my favorite movie of all time 500 Days of Summer. I feel like i've talked about how awesome this movie is before, but anyways GO WATCH IT. It's the best movie with the best soundtrack (besides Parent Trap's soundtrack.) AND, again, check out Zooey's new show "New Girl" on Fox. It comes on on Tuesdays right after gLee, which everyone should be watching.
One last thing, she's the girl from Elf. Now, who doesn't like elf?

Adorkable, I know.
Now watch: this and this.

When I say simplicity I mean things like God's simple love for us. And our happiness in him.
"You have made it known to me the path's of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence"
Acts 2:28
God's Awesome. Period.

Socks and Tights:
Every couple of months I will discover something new in which I love (clothes wise, speaking) i've been through scarves, shirts, boots, necklaces, and now I'm on tights and socks.

I know, I know... I always talk about song covers but I can't help it! It's a weakness. Anyways, thanks to a special little clumsy girl for showing me my new obsession.
What a strange beauty.

Although all these things are perfect to me, my life is FAR from it. But luckily, I have a forgiving Father who loves me for my imperfections.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In cloud and sunshine, Lord abide with me.

Ah fall. I'm gonna go along right with the crowd and talk about how freaking awesome fall is. It's a time for friends, football, cold weather, cute boots, and yummy flavored coffee. Not to mention that my idealistic artsiness is at a peak in this time of fall. I pretty much love it, and am obsessed with it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I obviously love me some fall, but I really am not a big fan of change,

Example A: I literally cried like a baby for two months straight before coming to college. And it's not because I was scared.

Change is something that you either love, or hate. And I hate it. I like tradition and stability, and stability is something that I feel I can't achieve with change.

While things change every day, My God does not.

Recently I heard the hymn "Abide with me" and the line "In cloud and sunshine//Abide with me" stuck to me like glue. I for some reason think of it constantly throughout the day and couldn't figure out why. Yes it's beautifully written, but why was that one line stuck to head. And then God told me.

"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands."
Deuteronomy 7:9

God is so beautiful. And comforting. And faithful. His love for me is overwhelming me even as a write this. Being in college has been nothing what I thought it would be. I thought I was going to love every second, being immersed with meeting new people and trying new things every day. Why would I think such a thing when I just stated that I'm not one to go throw a party for change. I had heard only good things about freshman year. But then I was hit in the face with reality. People are different. Some people strive off all things new, and have a conniption over it. Me, on the other hand, am not one of those people.

Don't get me wrong, college is not all bad. It's just something that takes getting used too. I am learning to love my new home everyday, but things just take time.

But through all these things, God has promised to remain stable and faithful. He watches over me in my joys, defeats, mistakes, celebrations, and through it all he loves me just the same. What a lucky girl I am.

And now, it would only make sense to post a video of someone singing "Abide with me," right? Well, in case y'all didn't know, I don't make sense. So here's another video. Jared Anderson came and sang at my church years ago, and this is the one song he sang. It has forever stuck with me, and has reminded me everyday how great the Lord's love is. So great that a person can be so passionate about it. So passionate that they may chase after Him, through all circumstances.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

hey, my name is lucy and I'm a freshman

Freshman moment alert over here. Seriously, I had a bad one today. And I don't mean go the wrong way in Haley (if you dont know what Haley is, its a super confusing building that makes no sense to a logical person and is where most of my classes are located. yay.), or getting run over by bikers on the quad because you can't figure out which side to walk on, or just looking dazed and confused all the time. Yes, I have done all of those things, but they were down on the totem pole compared to this moment. 

This story began as I was on a quest. I was on a quest to get to my car, not using the drunk bus, but the ever confusing tiger transits. So I bashfully walk over to where the transits are loading. I am holding my phone in one hand, trying to figure out how to use the "transportation app." If you can't figure out the app, then God knows you're not going to be able to figure out the transit itself. But I continued to try. So, after walking awkwardly in front of each transit, looking at the screen on the bus that told me where it was headed, I found my destination bus. It was headed to west campus. First problem, there are 3 buses going to the one destination that I needed to go too. One went straight there and back. I didn't ride that one. Another one made two other stops along with the stop I was waiting on. I didn't ride that one either. Instead I chose the bus that went alllll the way around campus, that somehow ended up where I needed to be.

I got on the bus, and sat timidly at a seat by myself. In my hands I had my keys, phone, and my ipod. Not too many things to remember, right? Apparently, that's wrong. Anyways, after waiting for about 3 more minutes the bus began to move. The bus didn't move for long. Apparently there were some problems with the bus. Lucky me. So, we made it about 300 yards, had to turn the bus off, and back on, hoping this would fix the glitch. It didn't. But does tiger transit care? No, they continue on the long, and I mean LONG journey around campus. We are driving on the main road, going about 5 mph. Yes, it was 5-15 mph at all times. So on top of this ride being long, it got longer.

Finally I couldn't put up with it anymore, and saw a bus coming from behind. I had a plan. I was going to get off at my bus on the next stop, and get on he bus behind me. So, I stood up at the next stop, and got off the bus, and sprinted over to the bus behind us. It was a bad decish. The bus behind had to stay behind the slow bus and was unable to pass. My plan was a fail, to say the least. So, I began to gather my things thinking that maybe I could just get off and walk the rest of the way. As I began to gather my things I realized I had my phone and my keys but no ipod.

First I thought that I could just jump off my bus (since it was right behind the slow one) and get on the other bus and get it. Well, next thing I know, we aren't behind the bus anymore. So then I thought about just leaving the ipod, and paying for another one later. I had decided on this idea until I called my mom.

She was NOT for that. She gave me specific instructions, and me being the perfect child that I am (ha) followed them. So, in front of everyone, I ran up to the driver of my bus and told him the problem. He radioed the other bus, and I automatically saw it come to a hault up a head.

Now, if you don't know me, then this next part won't mean anything to you, but if you know me, then I'm sure you can picture this pretty well. So I began to walk towards the door of the bus, I jumped off, and broke out into a full on sprint to the bus in front of me, which was holding my ipod. Not only did my whole bus watch me run, but the whole bus in front of me did too. As athletic as you for some reason may think that I possibly am, I am not. I'm about as un-athletic as they come. Shocker, right? So I retrieve my ipod, and sprint back to my bus. 

I return on the bus in a full body sweat.


At least I got my ipod back, but let's just say, no one wanted to sit by me on the bus, and I was about 30 minutes late to where I needed to go. Life of a freshman.

So, moral of the story, don't trust those tiger transits (even though i'll probably ride one tomorrow.)

War eagle y'all.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fake Break.

Yo people. So, right now I definitely should be writing an 8 page paper that's due tomorrow (sorry mom) instead I'm blogging. It's okay though because me and my rooms decided to be all BA and pull an all nighter in the library tonight. I know you're jealous, and you should be. Anyways, this weekend, after a miraculous win that Auburn somehow pulled off, I headed to the Ham. Ahh, the feel of my bed, the smell of home-cooked food, and shopping with my very best pals. Perfect weekend until.... oh wait, the power went out and my parents (or mom) freaked out and refused to let me drive to Auburn until I demanded that I come back to Aubs, but luckily for me this happened at 9 pm. Yeah, annoying. So I got in my car and remembered something AWESOME! 

One of my very best friends is going through a break up, so what else would you do besides make a break up cd, right? Yes I know, its the best idea on the planet! And lucky for me, I made it this weekend. So although the cd full of sad, depressing, and angry songs did not apply to me, I popped that cd into my cd drive in my car and jammed for 2 hours straight. Now, you don't realize how much you love that kind of stuff until you don't have it. Seriously, thing I miss most about college; singing in my car. I know it may sound lame, but lets face it, we all do it. And it's not the same without you being in your car, where "no one can see you" even though the whole world and there mom can look through your windows at anytime and watch you singing at the top of your lungs. But something about being in your car, makes you think you're invisible, and I don't know about y'all, but I take full advantage of that and sing shamelessly. Judge me if you want and see if I care, because I literally had the time of my life all alone in my car at 9:42 pm. Oh and to make it WAY better, there's a Krystal's on the way to Auburn, and this girl stopped and got not 1, but 2 corn-pups. Now, judge me again, but for all of you who are judging, you shouldn't judge until you try one. It is literally the best, greasiest, most yummy thing ever. And pretty top notch on the comfort food scale.

So pretty much, I went on a vigorous drive to Auburn, late at night, while listening to a break up cd, and eating comfort food. And I have never been happier. Oh and I forgot to say it was rainy! Wow, you guys, I am really trying to relive it here.

So this morning I woke up, threw on a sweat-shirt and my rain boots and trucked it up to class, to find that class got cancelled. I ran by Starbucks, came home and turned on the christmas lights (it's crazy how much better they make things), and got in my cozy little bed while keeping my socks on. My awesome room-mate picked out a movie and heated me up a Krispy Kreme donut, and we sat and sat. And then, guess what? I popped in my break up cd and am currently going through the ups and downs of it again. Life's good y'all, its real good. Sometimes, we need those days where things may be a little down, to appreciate all the things that are good.

Love your life y'all, even on days like these.

And now I will post you the AWESOME break up cd I have, so you can remake it if you need it, or even if you're like me and don't need it at all.

1. Someone Like You- Adele
2. Cold Front- Amie Miriello
3. Breakable- Ingrid Michaelson
4. Heavy Heart- Madi Diaz
5. Gravity- Sara Bareilles
6. All I Wanted- Paramore
7. Where the Story Ends- The Fray
8. Basket Case- Sara Bareilles
9. Slow Dancing In a Burning Room- John Mayer (covered by Jayme Dee)
10. Skyscraper- Demi Lovato
11. Inventing Shadows- Dia Frampton
12. Keep Breathing- Ingrid Michaelson
13. Feeling Sorry- Paramore
14. Over Me Now?- Gloriana
15. I Can Do Better- Avril Lavigne
16. Best Thing I Never Had- Beyonce
17. Everything You're Not- Demi Lovato
18. He Wasn't- Avril Lavigne
19. Brick By Boring Brick- Paramore
20. Kerosene- Mirana Lambert
21. F You/ Gonna Get Over You- Sara Bareilles

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Beautiful Disaster

Yo. Okay guys, I seriously was gonna think of something either super artsy or super funny to blog about, but I didn't really think of either. So sorry for being super emotionally annoying, again. This girl apparently has gotten super emotional since I left for college, I don't know. It's funny how change itself, can change you. Anyways, I just had a little tid bit to say.

I find it interesting how some people can beautifully display something thats, well, not so beautiful. I guess it would be referred to as a beautiful disaster. (Okay I lied, this is going to be a little artsy guys, I know you're excited.)

I'll start by saying again that I am obsessed with youtube covers. Literally obsessed. Well, a lot of my fave youtube coverists have been covering the song "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People. Today, while listening to one of the covers, I read a comment that someone said and I came to a realization. The comment said, "

"Does anyone actually know what this song is about? Lots of people 
are listening to it and they seem to think it's some fun, light-hearted 
song... when in fact it's about a boy who was abused by his father 
and bullied at his high school by the 'cool' kids with their 'pumped up 
kicks' and is thinking about going on a high school shooting"

Okay so, woah. Isn't it crazy how such a catchy song can send such a deep, disturbing message. I'm actually a sucker for lyrics, but somehow these slipped right past me. Sometimes peoples struggles can be hidden by something else in their life, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Just like the song, you can be distracted by its tune, but when you really listen, it can be filled with so much more depth. So be careful and observant. If i've learned anything while in college, i've learned to be observant. You can learn something completely new about someone from observing them, rather than having an hour long conversation with them. So learn to listen, even when all looks good, we all struggle.

Girl Crush.
Old school with Savannah Outen. Classic.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rest in the Shadow of My Almighty Presence.

Wow, so I am sitting doing my devotion and this is what it says:

"Expect to encounter adversity in your life, remembering that you live in a deeply fallen world. Stop trying to find a way that circumvents difficulties. The main problem with an easy life is that it masks your need for Me. When you became a Christian, I infused My very Life into you, empowering you to live on a supernatural plane by depending on Me.
Anticipate coming face to face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle. This awareness of your inadequacy is not something you should try to evade. It is precisely where I want you--- the best place to encounter Me in My Glory and Power. When you see armies of problems marching toward you, cry out to Me! Allow Me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence."

Could my God be anymore awesome? No way! It shocks me how much little things can speak to us. This devotion book is the It's called Jesus Calling. It looks super cheesy on the outside, but the inside is pure gold. Do yourself a favor and go buy it, for real.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Let the Rain

So, it's been a while since I posted, but that's because my life has been crazy. Now, I know I always say that, but this is a whole new wild that I never could have expected. I am officially in college and in a sorority. Crazy, right? Let me answer that for you. Yes, it is. If moving in my very own luxurious dorm wasn't enough, then there was rush. If rush wasn't enough, then there was actually getting in a sorority, And if becoming a cute little Phi Mu wasn't enough, then there is parties. And even if that isn't enough, I now start classes tomorrow. Hectic to say the least. Although my life is completely crazy and sounds super busy, I can't help but think back on my real home, which is not yet Auburn. As much as I love Auburn, I can not say that I am close to being comfortable here. Yes, some of my friends are taking the town by storm, and having the absolute time of their lives (even though we've only been here for a week) but me on the other hand, not so much.

I know it's going to take some getting used too, but this is all a part of me growing up. God has such a plan, and I can't wait to see what he has in store for me! It has to be something beyond my comprehension, something incredibly beautiful and wonderful. I know there will be many bumps in the road, but I'm ready for one heck of a ride. So here I go, forced to be all grown up and thrown into the real world.

And who could describe my feelings more than Sara Bareilles. I swear, she has the soundtrack of my life.

Monday, August 1, 2011

learning experience.

Well, I'm officially one week away from a completely new life, or actually it's less than one week away. Crazy. I have already began reminiscing over my whole life thus far, feeling as though its slipping away and will never come back, although thats not the case.

In this time of me looking back on the past, I have begun to see how much of an adventurous journey I have had. I feel like I have almost been through it all. I've hit some pretty high highs, and have sunk to some extremely low lows. At the same time of going through a lot, I learned a lot.

I've learned that other people are beautiful, and they can inspire you in ways you could never imagine or fathom. I've learned so much about myself from others, much more than I could ever do living in this world alone. I've learned the beauty of grace and faith. I've learned to be passionate. I've learned that some relationships can be stupid. I've learned that some relationships can change your life forever. I've learned that on what seem like perfect days, everything can go wrong.  And I've learned that you have to move on in order to discover who you are.

Life is obviously very meaningful, but do we fully understand all of its meaning. Of course not! Our future could change in this very instant. How crazy is that? But through this I have learned something else very important. I have learned that as scary as our future may seem, God has a plan. A plan so awesome that we most likely could not even begin to think of what it might be. Our God is so big and so great and so ALL KNOWING. He knows every highest high and every lowest low I will have this year as my life changes completely.

Life isn't meant to be comfortable. If it was comfortable, then we wouldn't learn. And God created us to learn. So ready or not, I am going off in a week (or less, as I have stated before) and I could not be more uncomfortable, but at the same time be so excited to learn about people, myself, and my God. It may be bumpy, but I'll make it through, learning something beautiful in the meantime.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Okay, so my last week consisted of my very last week of summer show-offs this summer. Boohoo, it was and still is super sad. Although I will not miss waking up at 5:30 am and dancing until nightfall, I will greatly miss all the people that make SSO as awesome as it is.

Oh yes, and I forgot one more thing that comes with SSO. Soreness. I am so sore. And on top of me being sore from that, I, spontaneous Lucy, went on a spontaneous adventure with my best friends to the lake and it was AWESOME! Seriously, the lake represents everything the summer is supposed to be. And of course we tubed and had a great time. Until the next morning, aka this morning, when I awoke and I was completely unable to lift my arms. Owwww is right. But I was finally invited to the lake (which I have been waiting to happen all summer) and it was super fun. So any of you guys out there with a lake house, PLEASE INVITE ME! I don't demand much! Just a boat and a tube, and some good food would be nice. So thanks.

And on top of all this greatness, all I can do is count down the days until I'm officially in college. This isn't exactly a good countdown. I am starting to FREAK OUT. I am not ready to leave and don't know what to do with myself. I have 2 more last weeks here in Birmingham and I am trying to fill it with as much Birmingham fun as I can, because I think Birmingham is one super fun place (not lying.) So my days are completely packed with events until I leave and march onward into the unknown which is college. Oh gah, I could not be more unready. So let this terrible countdown continue. 2 weeks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rainy Days

Problem of my summer: rain. Okay seriously, I can enjoy a thunderstorm as I try to be all artsy and sit and read a book while looking out my window and watching each raindrop fall, but seriously? This rain is redonk. It has rained almost every single day for 4 weeks, and it is ruining some of my summertime plans. For example, Monday.

Day 1. Monday. I went to Auburn on a little roadie. Well, I was to attend a pep rally for all those poor people at Camp War Eagle. Well, I wasn't at CWE which was awkward in itself, but anyways, for some reason I was there. Well guess what happened? Or should I say guess what DIDN'T happen? The pep rally, that's what! It rained like as soon as it started! Boo. So then, I came on home.

Day 2. Tuesday. This time I went on a road trip to the ATL. Plans: attend 6 flags and then hit up the ghetto for the Wiz Khalifa concert (totally my scene, I know.) Well, that was going great, and then guess what happened? Yes, you guessed it, it rained. So we waited and bummed around and got really delusional and tired and then the rides opened back up yay! Well, I spoke to soon. I was about 300 feet from the coaster "Goliath" and it rains, again. Surprise! Yeah, not so much. So by this point, we decided to leave and just aimlessly drive around Atlanta. Time approaches for Wiz. To our surprise, there is no more rain, but what happens after it rains you ask? It gets humid. And I mean HUMID. So I had a super great time in the ghetto, sweating my life away, being surrounded by some heavy duty marijuana. I told you it was my scene! (Ha. Yeah right.) But me being the concert junkie that I am, I enjoyed it in some sick, twisted way.

Day 3. Wednesday. I was woken up in a frenzy by my boss telling me I had to go to Auburn, drop of some t-shirts, and then return home. Well, I know this doesn't sound like fun, but it wasn't all that bad. Until, my blind friend (whom was driving) and I got caught in a major rainstorm on the way home. There was legit a sheet of white rain pounding against the car, and there was absolutely no way to see the road. So, that was just about one of the scariest moments of my life, and I shed 2 tears of pure horror as I had thoughts of me not surviving.

So rain, can you chill out? You have made my life a little difficult. Also, the color of my skin is suffering, and it doesn't deserve that, now does it? I don't even have a freaking book to read so I can be the artsy person that I want to be. There's no win in this situation. Until I find that book I am for some reason looking for, this rain has just got to chill out. So, until then I will continue to complain.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My life is a country song.

As some of you may know, "farm life" isn't exactly my forte. I am a city girl stuck in a country world. BUT, something came over me yesterday, and I got countryfied. Sometimes simple living is all you need to realize how good you have it. And here in Alabama, we have it pretty darn good. Well, when I say I got "countryfied" I'm totally serious. So cowboy boots and all, I headed down with some friends to Alabaster for an evening in the country. And it. Was. Awesome. We started by hopping on fourwheelers and adventured off into the unknown. Not really, well we didn't really know where we were going, but we had a fearless leader who led us on back roads and trails, allowing us to capture that kind of beauty that you can only really feel while listening to a country song. (hints the title of this post.) But seriously, every good feeling that you get from listening to a country song, I got! And no country song even needed. I lived it, and it was incredible. So I know you are thinking that it can't get any better? But it did.

After an awesome dinner at the awesome home of Kaleb Dillard (who lives in the most beautiful place in the world. I'm talking Pride and Prejudice beautiful) we went line dancing. Yes, like straight out of The Hannah Montana Movie line dancing (yeah, judge me for comparing it to my good friend Miley Cyrus.) It was a night full of laughter, adventure, dancing, friends, and old people. Because old people eat up that line dancing stuff. Like seriously. They love it. To have a good ole' time the way we did, was priceless. You can't have that kind of fun by "having a case of beer and a bottle of whiskey" (wise words from that rando old man at line dancing) But how true is it? I had such a good time, and I mean a REAL good time. So next Saturday night, instead of being lame and sitting in random parking lots, do yourself a favor and find something totally random to do. You'll enjoy it and have plenty of stories to follow, and maybe even a couple of dances under your belt. Yeehaw!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My dirty, little secrets.

Okay, so I know that everyone has a little place for youtube in their heart. But I literally am obsessed with youtube. I probably spend at least 3 hours on it everyday (and yes, that is larger than my time spent on facebook.) Now, youtube has many different genres. And of course, I enjoy most of them. First off, I have an obsession with "discovering" new artists through covers. Like i'm literally obsessed with it, and not gonna lie, I take great pride in it. I have many, many "youtubees" that I stalk. The first one I found of these was Savannah Outen. You may know who she is, because she is pretty much the shizit. But man on man have I come a long way, and I indeed have developed a girl crush on one of my youtubees.

The other reason I like youtube? Well, this is just the same as everyone else. To make fun of people. You see, back in  8th grade I believe, me and two of my friends came across something on youtube that changed my life. Her name was Chelsea. She was an over-weight, little girl who tried her very hardest to sing popular songs while wearing her moms lipstick. Chelsea, soon after our discovery of her, deleted her youtube page, and I went into the biggest depression I have ever known. Not really, but I was really sad. So finally, a couple years later (11th grade to be exact) I found a new girl. Her name I cannot remember, but it was something along the lines of "supernaturalgirl13." Yes, that name alone should tell you enough. She entertained me, almost as much as Chelsea, but then of course, she was deleted and never seen again. I know you people are now thinking, "so, your point is?" Well everyone, I have found myself a new little girl to make fun of via youtube. She's climbing the charts in "worst youtube singers ever."

With this all said, I will show you into my world of youtube. Feel privledged as I am letting some of my dirty little secrets go (that aren't really so secret anymore.) Also, there's about to be like 3712462140231 videos on here. You don't have to look at them all, but YOU SHOULD WATCH THEM ALL. I mean just do it on one of those days where you sit and refresh your facebook page every 5 minutes, I promise you it will be more exciting than that. Enjoy fellow youtubers!

The first one. Sav, its been a good run. She can do some mean things to a pop song, lemme tell ya.
Pure genius. That is all.
Beautiful harmonies. Ah, i'm in music heaven.
How more bad ass can you get? Oh wait, you can't.
All that noise came from one human....
Wowzers, this is what you call "making it your own."
Okay, so it was hard for me to pick one video, but I picked this one because this is and will forever be my favorite song, but look at all of hers. It's worth it. Also, she is my girl crush. I'm totally obsessed with her and want to be her.
Okay, this right here is dolpincutie. Please take some time to look at her other videos (preferably ones with her playing the guitar.) You'll be in for a little surprise. Oh and she also has a vlogging channel Bluebubbles51. Make sure you check that out too. 
Just for kicks and giggles. She's been running my life lately for some reason, so I figured she deserved a spot on my blog.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Last Friday Night

Okay, so my life has been CRAZY for the past 2 weeks. Lemme just tell you all about it....

SSO. It's this little place that I work at with all these weird, dramatic, loud, "life is a broadway" kind of people. But don't let that fool you, we have quite a wild side! Don't you dare unleash our alter egos, cause you don't even know what's gonna happen. Well, we also watch little kids, so that just adds to the fun. My point is, it runs my life. I eat, breath, and sleep summer show-offs.

So when that ended, I was busy doing other things, like going out with sso people that night. We can't be seperated. We go bowling, to movies, to dinner, to pools, and even clubbing. Yes, that's right. We. Go. Clubbing. That brings me to my main objective in this blog today, the birmingham club scene.

So, naturally I'm not much of a "clubber". What is a "clubber" you ask? Well the only way I can begin to think to describe it is like this. A filthy, trashy, classless person who enjoys either grinding with anything and everything that moves or enjoys freestyling solo (ex. poppers.) Now now now, you think "Oh Jersey Shore, that's what clubs are like" Well maybe clubs are like that, somewhere, but here in downtown Birmingham, they are not. It is so much filthier than that. I would describe it as one big STD. Despite all of these negative descriptions, it was actually one of the funnest things I have done in a long time. I was shown my wonderful city of Birmingham in a light that I had not yet seen it through. I love you Birmingham, and all the filthiness, trashiness, and classlessness that you offer.

Our night in a song, give or take a couple of lines.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


It's father's day, so I figured tribute to da fathers out there?

But seriously, my dad is the And I am not kidding. He seriously is the coolest.

My dad taught me so much about music (aka my favorite thing like in this world.) As a child he would sing me to sleep almost every night. He introduced me to the truly skillful singer/ song-writers that could never be replaced. My music taste has come completely from him, and for that I am insanely thankful!

Okay, when I say that me and my dad appreciate food, I am not kidding. We really love us some good grub. We are often fascinated at how beautifully food is arranged and foods ability to be so skillfully made that you can taste every single flavor in them. We are a big food family. And he can seriously make the best pancakes on this planet. Wanna challenge that statement? Well, I accept the challenge completely and you will regret making that challenge once you have a bite of his delicious, crispy around the edges, buttery pancakes. So good you don't even need syrup (but I mean syrup makes them even better) but it isn't even necessary.

Okay my dad is freaking hilarious. And I mean Hi-Lar-I-Ous. Like laugh-out-loud funny. Now of course there are times where I laugh at him rather than with him, but that's exactly what I love! He taught me how to laugh at myself. Seriously, this man laughs at his own jokes before he can even finish them. I love this light- heartedness factor about him. He is no way intimidating at all. So if you feel intimidated by him, just don't. But honestly, I don't know anyone that is at all. He's pretty much a goober, and who doesn't love a good goober?

So there's like 4371846729 more awesome things about him, but there is just to many to write. (cliche, huh?) but it's true. Anyways, I love my dad.  And yes, me and my dad have some songs that we both really enjoy and below is one of the first that we both truly loved. I know you see it. Yeah, you've probably heard it from The Dixie Chicks or on gLee or something. But that right there is the real deal. A little fleetwood mac up in here! Which includes the fabulous Stevie Nicks, whom I want to name my daughter after (yeah, I wanna name my daughter Stevie. Pretty BA). So enjoy some real music for a change and watch that.

and now a cover because I am sucker for covers... and for random people on youtube who are not famous so here ya go.

Ohhh yeah, and he taught me this,

Um, wait. What?

    Well hey there blogging world! I don't really need to describe myself that vividly, for this is what a blog will do in itself, BUT I will describe myself in a couple of words very quickly. Fashion, food, music, and friends. I tried to think of a way to say them all in words that started with "f", as you can see I failed. But don't you hate, there's not an "f" word that is equivalent to music. Also, I should probably explain my name, Loosey. Well, my real name is Lucy (and if you didn't already know that then don't you dare read anymore because that is totally creepy and you shouldn't be reading my blog anyway). You bloggies should know that I, Lucy Hughes, have an odd affection for speaking similar to a colored, young woman that lives deep in the heart of the ghetto. I don't know where this came from, but this odd talent of mine is used quite thoroughly and has kind of become a part of me somehow. My alter-ego's name is Loosey. Hints, my name is Loosey on this blog.

    So the reason I have this blog you ask? Well, I figured since I love to talk, why don't I blog. I mean, I spend most of my time talking to the air anyways (because my friends tune me out, not because I have no friends). Also, I am approaching my freshman year of college, WAR EAGLE, and I had to make a way for my mom to stalk my life without Facebook, because old people don't need those, so I made this.

   This blog will be about my life, which is very eventful and is similar to a dramatic film (sarcasm), and it will be about the things I love most (fashion, food, music, and friends). Oh yeah, and there's this huge thing that it will be about, and that is my relationship with my Heavenly Father (no I didn't forget it, I just wanted to save best for last, duh.)

   Anyways, it is 2:51am. Yes, I know that is terribly messed up. I am terribly messed up. I go to sleep late and wake up late, except for tomorrow because I have to wake for church, so this is very idiotic of me. Oh and let me warn y'all of a couple of things. 1. I ramble, so get used to it. 2. My grammar is horrible and I don't care one bit. 3. I'm not a writer by any means so just bare with me. 4. I don't know proper blogging techniques and how to make this whole thing super cool, so I'm sorry for not making this the best looking blog ever, but I assure you I will get better. I think that is all. I will probably sit here and think of more things, and will regret not saying them on here but oh well. So, I guess this is goodbye for now.

    Peaze out ladiez and gentz,
(P.S. I will also occasionally talk like this  just because I want too)