Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Alright, I had the WORST NIGHT EVER yesterday. Here's why.

It all began in my luxury sized suite of a dorm room. I was getting ready for Chapter. I whipped out some wedges that I hadn't worn in a while and put them on. After I put one on, I bent over to put the other one on. Somehow in this easy task, I lost balance and busted and fell on my face. In my dorm. All alone. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I struggled to get on the futon. I adjusted myself and quickly found my phone to text my roommate to let her know what had just happened. Even though I had already fallen once, I still kept those shoes on and began to walk the 15 minute walk to chapter. As I was walking, I was going over all different type terrain, trying to figure out how to precisely take each step in order for me to keep my balance. I had also begun to doubt myself and my walking abilities. I felt my ankles as they started to tremble, but knew it was just me psyching myself out. I was thinking "Get it together, Lucy. We've got this."

Every now and then I would have a little stumble, but didn't care unless someone was around. If someone WAS around to witness it, I would act like a mere rock got stuck in the bottom of my shoe, to cause my little stumble, and I would "wipe it off' my shoe. At this point I was realizing that maybe it wasn't me psyching myself out, but that I was really that unable to walk. I started to become hot and flushed thinking of the horror of a fall. I could not let myself fall. No way. That was never going ----

And then it happened. I fell.

Now, I'm sure you can imagine. Me, walking, people around, middle of everyone. The very saddest part is that I did not trip over a rock, or a leaf, or even a tiny crack in the pavement, in fact I never even tripped. I purely just in plain sight fell. I was so embarrassed, I took my shoes off as fast as I could and ran away from the scene. As if that doesn't make it look more obvious.

And you think my awful night is over. It is not.

After chapter I regained some confidence and put my 'easy to walk in for a normal person' shoes back on and was just fine. I walked with no shakes or squirms. I was now hungry. It was almost 9 o'clock which meant all the on campus places to eat would be closing soon. Since I was already in the village, I got the pasta on which I had been craving. My mouth literally began to water as I watched the Tiger Dining lady make my food. I saw a friend in there who offered to drive me home. I was to thrilled about the ride as I thought about my little mishap a couple hours earlier. I got my food and safely made it to the car.

When I got dropped off, I made it to the door of my dorm, no problem. I was thinking of eating my pasta with a real silver fork, something that hadn't been done since coming to college. Oh the possibilities... I had already gotten my tiger card ready before I got out of the car, because I knew that would be a struggle with my pasta in one hand, and my newly received sorostitute t-shirts in the other. I swiped my card, opened the door, and bam. It happened.

I had some how managed to swing the door opened so quickly, that I was unable to back up before opening. Because of this, my yummy pasta was violently knocked out of my hands and fell on the ground. I'm a firm believer in the 5 second rule (or 5 minute rule.) I will pretty much eat anything, but my pasta was uneatable. It had not fallen on its side so a little spilled out, or not even on its side so a lot spilled out. It fell completely upside down, covering the entire sidewalk. I stomped up to my dorm in tears and laughter, not knowing exactly how to deal with this.

After about 15 minutes I calmed down and regained composure.

Luckily after that, my night went smoothly and without even a trip. ( I know you were all so concerned)

After this message, I really don't have any advice. I feel as if I didn't do anything wrong, I was just faced with a pinch of bad luck. Unfortunate events I guess you could say. Now, thinking through the night I am chuckling to myself again, so find some joy out of this.

I know this is COMPLETELY irrelevant but AHHH Jayme just came out with a new video!!!! So here it is! Isn't she just amazingly, awesome?