Monday, July 25, 2011


Okay, so my last week consisted of my very last week of summer show-offs this summer. Boohoo, it was and still is super sad. Although I will not miss waking up at 5:30 am and dancing until nightfall, I will greatly miss all the people that make SSO as awesome as it is.

Oh yes, and I forgot one more thing that comes with SSO. Soreness. I am so sore. And on top of me being sore from that, I, spontaneous Lucy, went on a spontaneous adventure with my best friends to the lake and it was AWESOME! Seriously, the lake represents everything the summer is supposed to be. And of course we tubed and had a great time. Until the next morning, aka this morning, when I awoke and I was completely unable to lift my arms. Owwww is right. But I was finally invited to the lake (which I have been waiting to happen all summer) and it was super fun. So any of you guys out there with a lake house, PLEASE INVITE ME! I don't demand much! Just a boat and a tube, and some good food would be nice. So thanks.

And on top of all this greatness, all I can do is count down the days until I'm officially in college. This isn't exactly a good countdown. I am starting to FREAK OUT. I am not ready to leave and don't know what to do with myself. I have 2 more last weeks here in Birmingham and I am trying to fill it with as much Birmingham fun as I can, because I think Birmingham is one super fun place (not lying.) So my days are completely packed with events until I leave and march onward into the unknown which is college. Oh gah, I could not be more unready. So let this terrible countdown continue. 2 weeks.