Friday, August 19, 2011

Rest in the Shadow of My Almighty Presence.

Wow, so I am sitting doing my devotion and this is what it says:

"Expect to encounter adversity in your life, remembering that you live in a deeply fallen world. Stop trying to find a way that circumvents difficulties. The main problem with an easy life is that it masks your need for Me. When you became a Christian, I infused My very Life into you, empowering you to live on a supernatural plane by depending on Me.
Anticipate coming face to face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle. This awareness of your inadequacy is not something you should try to evade. It is precisely where I want you--- the best place to encounter Me in My Glory and Power. When you see armies of problems marching toward you, cry out to Me! Allow Me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence."

Could my God be anymore awesome? No way! It shocks me how much little things can speak to us. This devotion book is the It's called Jesus Calling. It looks super cheesy on the outside, but the inside is pure gold. Do yourself a favor and go buy it, for real.