Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rainy Days

Problem of my summer: rain. Okay seriously, I can enjoy a thunderstorm as I try to be all artsy and sit and read a book while looking out my window and watching each raindrop fall, but seriously? This rain is redonk. It has rained almost every single day for 4 weeks, and it is ruining some of my summertime plans. For example, Monday.

Day 1. Monday. I went to Auburn on a little roadie. Well, I was to attend a pep rally for all those poor people at Camp War Eagle. Well, I wasn't at CWE which was awkward in itself, but anyways, for some reason I was there. Well guess what happened? Or should I say guess what DIDN'T happen? The pep rally, that's what! It rained like as soon as it started! Boo. So then, I came on home.

Day 2. Tuesday. This time I went on a road trip to the ATL. Plans: attend 6 flags and then hit up the ghetto for the Wiz Khalifa concert (totally my scene, I know.) Well, that was going great, and then guess what happened? Yes, you guessed it, it rained. So we waited and bummed around and got really delusional and tired and then the rides opened back up yay! Well, I spoke to soon. I was about 300 feet from the coaster "Goliath" and it rains, again. Surprise! Yeah, not so much. So by this point, we decided to leave and just aimlessly drive around Atlanta. Time approaches for Wiz. To our surprise, there is no more rain, but what happens after it rains you ask? It gets humid. And I mean HUMID. So I had a super great time in the ghetto, sweating my life away, being surrounded by some heavy duty marijuana. I told you it was my scene! (Ha. Yeah right.) But me being the concert junkie that I am, I enjoyed it in some sick, twisted way.

Day 3. Wednesday. I was woken up in a frenzy by my boss telling me I had to go to Auburn, drop of some t-shirts, and then return home. Well, I know this doesn't sound like fun, but it wasn't all that bad. Until, my blind friend (whom was driving) and I got caught in a major rainstorm on the way home. There was legit a sheet of white rain pounding against the car, and there was absolutely no way to see the road. So, that was just about one of the scariest moments of my life, and I shed 2 tears of pure horror as I had thoughts of me not surviving.

So rain, can you chill out? You have made my life a little difficult. Also, the color of my skin is suffering, and it doesn't deserve that, now does it? I don't even have a freaking book to read so I can be the artsy person that I want to be. There's no win in this situation. Until I find that book I am for some reason looking for, this rain has just got to chill out. So, until then I will continue to complain.