Thursday, November 10, 2011

Falling from the sky, in the night, to the earth below.

Today's one of those days. I'm sitting in our cute little student center, with a hot cup of flavored coffee in my hand from Starbucks. The only legitimate next step here would be write on my blog. It just all makes sense, right? I should definitely be doing homework right now, like always, but again, I am not. Instead I decided to do this.

So, all everyone's been talking about lately is Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited, so excited that I began listening to Christmas music a month and a half ago. Pretty much ever sense the first day it was slightly below 70 degrees. Cold weather=Christmas. So along with this Christmas music, I have begun listening to one of my very very favorite songs. It's like THE most awesome song ever.

Before I tell you what it is, I'm going to tell you about it. So don't be a jerk and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the song, or listen to it. That would ruin all the fun, now wouldn't it?

Well, let me begin by saying something that most of us know as common knowledge. CHRISTmas is about Christ. It's a celebration of our Savior being born into this world, and saving His people. This is something that most of us know, and although we do get excited about this, it doesn't seem to be until the actual day or week of Christmas. Let's be honest, when you think about Christmas break right now rarely do we think about how we are so excited about celebrating Christ's birth. Those thoughts are overtaken by the thoughts of family, friends, food, and fun. 

As awful as it is, it's the truth. And along with that, when we think of Jesus' birth,we often don't think about how he came. Yes, we know where he was born, and that he had a virgin mother, Mary. But I mean actually HOW he came.

Did you ever realize the beauty of how he came? He came in the winter. Not the summer, or spring, or fall but winter. He came calmly, and gently. He came without trumpets or banging cymbals. He came not visually as powerful. But instead, He came quiet, and soft, and slow

How amazing, that he came so gently, and so unnoticed but he was the SON of GOD. Could you be a more important person? His grace and humility is so impacting. It's hard to grasp how gently His coming was. So hidden to the world. What a great gift He was to all of mankind. And his gift was sinners. Jesus' love is so sweet. And Jesus is so PEACEFUL.

And now, I'm going to put the song on here. I know that I practically just rewrote what the song says, but even though it's obvious to understand the song, it took me a while to fully and truly grasp the sweetness of Jesus in this song. I hope y'all become as obsessed with this song as I am. Merry Christmas!

"Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth PEACE to those in whom his favor rests."
Luke 14:2

"Winter Snow" by Audrey Assad