Monday, July 25, 2011


Okay, so my last week consisted of my very last week of summer show-offs this summer. Boohoo, it was and still is super sad. Although I will not miss waking up at 5:30 am and dancing until nightfall, I will greatly miss all the people that make SSO as awesome as it is.

Oh yes, and I forgot one more thing that comes with SSO. Soreness. I am so sore. And on top of me being sore from that, I, spontaneous Lucy, went on a spontaneous adventure with my best friends to the lake and it was AWESOME! Seriously, the lake represents everything the summer is supposed to be. And of course we tubed and had a great time. Until the next morning, aka this morning, when I awoke and I was completely unable to lift my arms. Owwww is right. But I was finally invited to the lake (which I have been waiting to happen all summer) and it was super fun. So any of you guys out there with a lake house, PLEASE INVITE ME! I don't demand much! Just a boat and a tube, and some good food would be nice. So thanks.

And on top of all this greatness, all I can do is count down the days until I'm officially in college. This isn't exactly a good countdown. I am starting to FREAK OUT. I am not ready to leave and don't know what to do with myself. I have 2 more last weeks here in Birmingham and I am trying to fill it with as much Birmingham fun as I can, because I think Birmingham is one super fun place (not lying.) So my days are completely packed with events until I leave and march onward into the unknown which is college. Oh gah, I could not be more unready. So let this terrible countdown continue. 2 weeks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rainy Days

Problem of my summer: rain. Okay seriously, I can enjoy a thunderstorm as I try to be all artsy and sit and read a book while looking out my window and watching each raindrop fall, but seriously? This rain is redonk. It has rained almost every single day for 4 weeks, and it is ruining some of my summertime plans. For example, Monday.

Day 1. Monday. I went to Auburn on a little roadie. Well, I was to attend a pep rally for all those poor people at Camp War Eagle. Well, I wasn't at CWE which was awkward in itself, but anyways, for some reason I was there. Well guess what happened? Or should I say guess what DIDN'T happen? The pep rally, that's what! It rained like as soon as it started! Boo. So then, I came on home.

Day 2. Tuesday. This time I went on a road trip to the ATL. Plans: attend 6 flags and then hit up the ghetto for the Wiz Khalifa concert (totally my scene, I know.) Well, that was going great, and then guess what happened? Yes, you guessed it, it rained. So we waited and bummed around and got really delusional and tired and then the rides opened back up yay! Well, I spoke to soon. I was about 300 feet from the coaster "Goliath" and it rains, again. Surprise! Yeah, not so much. So by this point, we decided to leave and just aimlessly drive around Atlanta. Time approaches for Wiz. To our surprise, there is no more rain, but what happens after it rains you ask? It gets humid. And I mean HUMID. So I had a super great time in the ghetto, sweating my life away, being surrounded by some heavy duty marijuana. I told you it was my scene! (Ha. Yeah right.) But me being the concert junkie that I am, I enjoyed it in some sick, twisted way.

Day 3. Wednesday. I was woken up in a frenzy by my boss telling me I had to go to Auburn, drop of some t-shirts, and then return home. Well, I know this doesn't sound like fun, but it wasn't all that bad. Until, my blind friend (whom was driving) and I got caught in a major rainstorm on the way home. There was legit a sheet of white rain pounding against the car, and there was absolutely no way to see the road. So, that was just about one of the scariest moments of my life, and I shed 2 tears of pure horror as I had thoughts of me not surviving.

So rain, can you chill out? You have made my life a little difficult. Also, the color of my skin is suffering, and it doesn't deserve that, now does it? I don't even have a freaking book to read so I can be the artsy person that I want to be. There's no win in this situation. Until I find that book I am for some reason looking for, this rain has just got to chill out. So, until then I will continue to complain.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My life is a country song.

As some of you may know, "farm life" isn't exactly my forte. I am a city girl stuck in a country world. BUT, something came over me yesterday, and I got countryfied. Sometimes simple living is all you need to realize how good you have it. And here in Alabama, we have it pretty darn good. Well, when I say I got "countryfied" I'm totally serious. So cowboy boots and all, I headed down with some friends to Alabaster for an evening in the country. And it. Was. Awesome. We started by hopping on fourwheelers and adventured off into the unknown. Not really, well we didn't really know where we were going, but we had a fearless leader who led us on back roads and trails, allowing us to capture that kind of beauty that you can only really feel while listening to a country song. (hints the title of this post.) But seriously, every good feeling that you get from listening to a country song, I got! And no country song even needed. I lived it, and it was incredible. So I know you are thinking that it can't get any better? But it did.

After an awesome dinner at the awesome home of Kaleb Dillard (who lives in the most beautiful place in the world. I'm talking Pride and Prejudice beautiful) we went line dancing. Yes, like straight out of The Hannah Montana Movie line dancing (yeah, judge me for comparing it to my good friend Miley Cyrus.) It was a night full of laughter, adventure, dancing, friends, and old people. Because old people eat up that line dancing stuff. Like seriously. They love it. To have a good ole' time the way we did, was priceless. You can't have that kind of fun by "having a case of beer and a bottle of whiskey" (wise words from that rando old man at line dancing) But how true is it? I had such a good time, and I mean a REAL good time. So next Saturday night, instead of being lame and sitting in random parking lots, do yourself a favor and find something totally random to do. You'll enjoy it and have plenty of stories to follow, and maybe even a couple of dances under your belt. Yeehaw!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My dirty, little secrets.

Okay, so I know that everyone has a little place for youtube in their heart. But I literally am obsessed with youtube. I probably spend at least 3 hours on it everyday (and yes, that is larger than my time spent on facebook.) Now, youtube has many different genres. And of course, I enjoy most of them. First off, I have an obsession with "discovering" new artists through covers. Like i'm literally obsessed with it, and not gonna lie, I take great pride in it. I have many, many "youtubees" that I stalk. The first one I found of these was Savannah Outen. You may know who she is, because she is pretty much the shizit. But man on man have I come a long way, and I indeed have developed a girl crush on one of my youtubees.

The other reason I like youtube? Well, this is just the same as everyone else. To make fun of people. You see, back in  8th grade I believe, me and two of my friends came across something on youtube that changed my life. Her name was Chelsea. She was an over-weight, little girl who tried her very hardest to sing popular songs while wearing her moms lipstick. Chelsea, soon after our discovery of her, deleted her youtube page, and I went into the biggest depression I have ever known. Not really, but I was really sad. So finally, a couple years later (11th grade to be exact) I found a new girl. Her name I cannot remember, but it was something along the lines of "supernaturalgirl13." Yes, that name alone should tell you enough. She entertained me, almost as much as Chelsea, but then of course, she was deleted and never seen again. I know you people are now thinking, "so, your point is?" Well everyone, I have found myself a new little girl to make fun of via youtube. She's climbing the charts in "worst youtube singers ever."

With this all said, I will show you into my world of youtube. Feel privledged as I am letting some of my dirty little secrets go (that aren't really so secret anymore.) Also, there's about to be like 3712462140231 videos on here. You don't have to look at them all, but YOU SHOULD WATCH THEM ALL. I mean just do it on one of those days where you sit and refresh your facebook page every 5 minutes, I promise you it will be more exciting than that. Enjoy fellow youtubers!

The first one. Sav, its been a good run. She can do some mean things to a pop song, lemme tell ya.
Pure genius. That is all.
Beautiful harmonies. Ah, i'm in music heaven.
How more bad ass can you get? Oh wait, you can't.
All that noise came from one human....
Wowzers, this is what you call "making it your own."
Okay, so it was hard for me to pick one video, but I picked this one because this is and will forever be my favorite song, but look at all of hers. It's worth it. Also, she is my girl crush. I'm totally obsessed with her and want to be her.
Okay, this right here is dolpincutie. Please take some time to look at her other videos (preferably ones with her playing the guitar.) You'll be in for a little surprise. Oh and she also has a vlogging channel Bluebubbles51. Make sure you check that out too. 
Just for kicks and giggles. She's been running my life lately for some reason, so I figured she deserved a spot on my blog.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Last Friday Night

Okay, so my life has been CRAZY for the past 2 weeks. Lemme just tell you all about it....

SSO. It's this little place that I work at with all these weird, dramatic, loud, "life is a broadway" kind of people. But don't let that fool you, we have quite a wild side! Don't you dare unleash our alter egos, cause you don't even know what's gonna happen. Well, we also watch little kids, so that just adds to the fun. My point is, it runs my life. I eat, breath, and sleep summer show-offs.

So when that ended, I was busy doing other things, like going out with sso people that night. We can't be seperated. We go bowling, to movies, to dinner, to pools, and even clubbing. Yes, that's right. We. Go. Clubbing. That brings me to my main objective in this blog today, the birmingham club scene.

So, naturally I'm not much of a "clubber". What is a "clubber" you ask? Well the only way I can begin to think to describe it is like this. A filthy, trashy, classless person who enjoys either grinding with anything and everything that moves or enjoys freestyling solo (ex. poppers.) Now now now, you think "Oh Jersey Shore, that's what clubs are like" Well maybe clubs are like that, somewhere, but here in downtown Birmingham, they are not. It is so much filthier than that. I would describe it as one big STD. Despite all of these negative descriptions, it was actually one of the funnest things I have done in a long time. I was shown my wonderful city of Birmingham in a light that I had not yet seen it through. I love you Birmingham, and all the filthiness, trashiness, and classlessness that you offer.

Our night in a song, give or take a couple of lines.