Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Alright, I had the WORST NIGHT EVER yesterday. Here's why.

It all began in my luxury sized suite of a dorm room. I was getting ready for Chapter. I whipped out some wedges that I hadn't worn in a while and put them on. After I put one on, I bent over to put the other one on. Somehow in this easy task, I lost balance and busted and fell on my face. In my dorm. All alone. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I struggled to get on the futon. I adjusted myself and quickly found my phone to text my roommate to let her know what had just happened. Even though I had already fallen once, I still kept those shoes on and began to walk the 15 minute walk to chapter. As I was walking, I was going over all different type terrain, trying to figure out how to precisely take each step in order for me to keep my balance. I had also begun to doubt myself and my walking abilities. I felt my ankles as they started to tremble, but knew it was just me psyching myself out. I was thinking "Get it together, Lucy. We've got this."

Every now and then I would have a little stumble, but didn't care unless someone was around. If someone WAS around to witness it, I would act like a mere rock got stuck in the bottom of my shoe, to cause my little stumble, and I would "wipe it off' my shoe. At this point I was realizing that maybe it wasn't me psyching myself out, but that I was really that unable to walk. I started to become hot and flushed thinking of the horror of a fall. I could not let myself fall. No way. That was never going ----

And then it happened. I fell.

Now, I'm sure you can imagine. Me, walking, people around, middle of everyone. The very saddest part is that I did not trip over a rock, or a leaf, or even a tiny crack in the pavement, in fact I never even tripped. I purely just in plain sight fell. I was so embarrassed, I took my shoes off as fast as I could and ran away from the scene. As if that doesn't make it look more obvious.

And you think my awful night is over. It is not.

After chapter I regained some confidence and put my 'easy to walk in for a normal person' shoes back on and was just fine. I walked with no shakes or squirms. I was now hungry. It was almost 9 o'clock which meant all the on campus places to eat would be closing soon. Since I was already in the village, I got the pasta on which I had been craving. My mouth literally began to water as I watched the Tiger Dining lady make my food. I saw a friend in there who offered to drive me home. I was to thrilled about the ride as I thought about my little mishap a couple hours earlier. I got my food and safely made it to the car.

When I got dropped off, I made it to the door of my dorm, no problem. I was thinking of eating my pasta with a real silver fork, something that hadn't been done since coming to college. Oh the possibilities... I had already gotten my tiger card ready before I got out of the car, because I knew that would be a struggle with my pasta in one hand, and my newly received sorostitute t-shirts in the other. I swiped my card, opened the door, and bam. It happened.

I had some how managed to swing the door opened so quickly, that I was unable to back up before opening. Because of this, my yummy pasta was violently knocked out of my hands and fell on the ground. I'm a firm believer in the 5 second rule (or 5 minute rule.) I will pretty much eat anything, but my pasta was uneatable. It had not fallen on its side so a little spilled out, or not even on its side so a lot spilled out. It fell completely upside down, covering the entire sidewalk. I stomped up to my dorm in tears and laughter, not knowing exactly how to deal with this.

After about 15 minutes I calmed down and regained composure.

Luckily after that, my night went smoothly and without even a trip. ( I know you were all so concerned)

After this message, I really don't have any advice. I feel as if I didn't do anything wrong, I was just faced with a pinch of bad luck. Unfortunate events I guess you could say. Now, thinking through the night I am chuckling to myself again, so find some joy out of this.

I know this is COMPLETELY irrelevant but AHHH Jayme just came out with a new video!!!! So here it is! Isn't she just amazingly, awesome?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

perfect imperfections.

This blog post is dedicated to all things perfect. Or perfect to me that is. These things describe simplicity and complexity. Love and hate. Tears and laughter. Blah blah blah cliche cliche cliche. But hey, think about it, we are all a little bit cliche. So anyways, these are all the perfect things. And I mean perfect y'all.

Hot Beverages:
I'm talking about hot chocolate, flavored lattes, cappuccinos...etc. Now, even if you don't like hot drinks (which I've never met anyone who doesn't but I'm sure you're out there somewhere) here is one that you can't NOT like. Look at this and tell me again that you don't like hot drinks. AND i'll even give y'all the recipe, you're more welcome.

Oversized Sweaters:
I LOVE oversized sweaters. Need I say more?
Literally perfect.

Zooey Deschanel:
This girl is awesome. Now I will always and forever practically worship the ground that Sara Bareilles stands on, BUT this girl is pretty dadgum close. She's funny, can sing, artsy, PERFECT (obviously).
AND she's in my favorite movie of all time 500 Days of Summer. I feel like i've talked about how awesome this movie is before, but anyways GO WATCH IT. It's the best movie with the best soundtrack (besides Parent Trap's soundtrack.) AND, again, check out Zooey's new show "New Girl" on Fox. It comes on on Tuesdays right after gLee, which everyone should be watching.
One last thing, she's the girl from Elf. Now, who doesn't like elf?

Adorkable, I know.
Now watch: this and this.

When I say simplicity I mean things like God's simple love for us. And our happiness in him.
"You have made it known to me the path's of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence"
Acts 2:28
God's Awesome. Period.

Socks and Tights:
Every couple of months I will discover something new in which I love (clothes wise, speaking) i've been through scarves, shirts, boots, necklaces, and now I'm on tights and socks.

I know, I know... I always talk about song covers but I can't help it! It's a weakness. Anyways, thanks to a special little clumsy girl for showing me my new obsession.
What a strange beauty.

Although all these things are perfect to me, my life is FAR from it. But luckily, I have a forgiving Father who loves me for my imperfections.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In cloud and sunshine, Lord abide with me.

Ah fall. I'm gonna go along right with the crowd and talk about how freaking awesome fall is. It's a time for friends, football, cold weather, cute boots, and yummy flavored coffee. Not to mention that my idealistic artsiness is at a peak in this time of fall. I pretty much love it, and am obsessed with it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I obviously love me some fall, but I really am not a big fan of change,

Example A: I literally cried like a baby for two months straight before coming to college. And it's not because I was scared.

Change is something that you either love, or hate. And I hate it. I like tradition and stability, and stability is something that I feel I can't achieve with change.

While things change every day, My God does not.

Recently I heard the hymn "Abide with me" and the line "In cloud and sunshine//Abide with me" stuck to me like glue. I for some reason think of it constantly throughout the day and couldn't figure out why. Yes it's beautifully written, but why was that one line stuck to head. And then God told me.

"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands."
Deuteronomy 7:9

God is so beautiful. And comforting. And faithful. His love for me is overwhelming me even as a write this. Being in college has been nothing what I thought it would be. I thought I was going to love every second, being immersed with meeting new people and trying new things every day. Why would I think such a thing when I just stated that I'm not one to go throw a party for change. I had heard only good things about freshman year. But then I was hit in the face with reality. People are different. Some people strive off all things new, and have a conniption over it. Me, on the other hand, am not one of those people.

Don't get me wrong, college is not all bad. It's just something that takes getting used too. I am learning to love my new home everyday, but things just take time.

But through all these things, God has promised to remain stable and faithful. He watches over me in my joys, defeats, mistakes, celebrations, and through it all he loves me just the same. What a lucky girl I am.

And now, it would only make sense to post a video of someone singing "Abide with me," right? Well, in case y'all didn't know, I don't make sense. So here's another video. Jared Anderson came and sang at my church years ago, and this is the one song he sang. It has forever stuck with me, and has reminded me everyday how great the Lord's love is. So great that a person can be so passionate about it. So passionate that they may chase after Him, through all circumstances.