Monday, May 28, 2012

day to live

Well, it's been a while. And by a while I mean like 5 months, so I'm sorry about that one. I know y'all have all been anxiously awaiting the day that a blog again. Jokes.... Well, a lot has happened within that span. I went through an entire semester of college, had my first spring break as a college student, made lots of new friends, began summer again, and well now I'm here. That list looks so short, but so many things fall under each of those categories. I probably should catch everyone up on my life but I become incredibly overwhelmed at the mere thought of that (and I'm sure Facebook can fill you in all my social status throughout the last 5 months.) So, now its time to get down to the nitty-gritty.

My dad asked me the other day about my writing. Not to say that I'm a writer, but for my family, I guess you could somehow manage to claim one of my titles as the writer. Although tons has happened with me, that I hope to fill everyone in on in the near future, lots has happened in the world around me as well.

About two weeks ago, my grandfather was rushed to the hospital. He had fallen off of his bed, and suddenly lost all consciousness while also having serious convulsions. He was in this state for about a week and then slowly began to wake up, making us believe he was better. Next thing we knew, he was in a severe state of delirium. He is still in that state and is able to talk, but is completely confused about what he is saying. I know that many grandparents or loved ones go through things like this, and this post isn't about the physical and mental state of my grandfather, but rather a deeper thought that comes along side of his condition.


Isn't it weird?

Picture yourself, unable to remember anything that has happened in your life. Or worse, not even knowing your own name.

The thought of this happening to me is so far from reality. I can't begin to imagine that this would ever happen to me in my lifetime, but it so commonly happens to people. But now to go even deeper....


And I don't mean why does this medical condition occur--I mean why is life that way. Some people can completely live there life, and then forget everything they have ever done or accomplished.

We often say, "Our lives are what have molded us to who we are today." Can that still be said after hearing about things like my grandfather, where he has lived his life almost completely and has lost all recollection of it, and yet he is still molded into a person with a personality. Yes, he may be a little different then I remember, but he is still the same person.

Life is such a complex thing. So intriguing to actually think about. So odd how, while it is complex, is also simple. How our lives our simple, in the way that we have one life to live and then it ends, and we truly live in Heaven, and have eternal life. This life is only but a mere step into something so much bigger and so much greater. And at the same time, when I type that, I also think of how complicated my life is. How it once was so simple, and how throughout every year it becomes more complex and more things happen. And those events continue to conform me into someone I still may not fully know yet.

So now thinking of my grandfather, who has lived such a long, fulfilling life, and how all the sudden, his life has begun to vanish, even though he is still here. And now thinking, how life can completely change into something that you never saw coming.

Yes, I do think that you should not take anything for granted, but more then that I have learned something else. Don't worry. Live your life. Yeah, it might change and go down a path that you didn't know even existed, but ultimately does it matter? Might as well live each day as it comes while you have that day to live.