Thursday, September 15, 2011

hey, my name is lucy and I'm a freshman

Freshman moment alert over here. Seriously, I had a bad one today. And I don't mean go the wrong way in Haley (if you dont know what Haley is, its a super confusing building that makes no sense to a logical person and is where most of my classes are located. yay.), or getting run over by bikers on the quad because you can't figure out which side to walk on, or just looking dazed and confused all the time. Yes, I have done all of those things, but they were down on the totem pole compared to this moment. 

This story began as I was on a quest. I was on a quest to get to my car, not using the drunk bus, but the ever confusing tiger transits. So I bashfully walk over to where the transits are loading. I am holding my phone in one hand, trying to figure out how to use the "transportation app." If you can't figure out the app, then God knows you're not going to be able to figure out the transit itself. But I continued to try. So, after walking awkwardly in front of each transit, looking at the screen on the bus that told me where it was headed, I found my destination bus. It was headed to west campus. First problem, there are 3 buses going to the one destination that I needed to go too. One went straight there and back. I didn't ride that one. Another one made two other stops along with the stop I was waiting on. I didn't ride that one either. Instead I chose the bus that went alllll the way around campus, that somehow ended up where I needed to be.

I got on the bus, and sat timidly at a seat by myself. In my hands I had my keys, phone, and my ipod. Not too many things to remember, right? Apparently, that's wrong. Anyways, after waiting for about 3 more minutes the bus began to move. The bus didn't move for long. Apparently there were some problems with the bus. Lucky me. So, we made it about 300 yards, had to turn the bus off, and back on, hoping this would fix the glitch. It didn't. But does tiger transit care? No, they continue on the long, and I mean LONG journey around campus. We are driving on the main road, going about 5 mph. Yes, it was 5-15 mph at all times. So on top of this ride being long, it got longer.

Finally I couldn't put up with it anymore, and saw a bus coming from behind. I had a plan. I was going to get off at my bus on the next stop, and get on he bus behind me. So, I stood up at the next stop, and got off the bus, and sprinted over to the bus behind us. It was a bad decish. The bus behind had to stay behind the slow bus and was unable to pass. My plan was a fail, to say the least. So, I began to gather my things thinking that maybe I could just get off and walk the rest of the way. As I began to gather my things I realized I had my phone and my keys but no ipod.

First I thought that I could just jump off my bus (since it was right behind the slow one) and get on the other bus and get it. Well, next thing I know, we aren't behind the bus anymore. So then I thought about just leaving the ipod, and paying for another one later. I had decided on this idea until I called my mom.

She was NOT for that. She gave me specific instructions, and me being the perfect child that I am (ha) followed them. So, in front of everyone, I ran up to the driver of my bus and told him the problem. He radioed the other bus, and I automatically saw it come to a hault up a head.

Now, if you don't know me, then this next part won't mean anything to you, but if you know me, then I'm sure you can picture this pretty well. So I began to walk towards the door of the bus, I jumped off, and broke out into a full on sprint to the bus in front of me, which was holding my ipod. Not only did my whole bus watch me run, but the whole bus in front of me did too. As athletic as you for some reason may think that I possibly am, I am not. I'm about as un-athletic as they come. Shocker, right? So I retrieve my ipod, and sprint back to my bus. 

I return on the bus in a full body sweat.


At least I got my ipod back, but let's just say, no one wanted to sit by me on the bus, and I was about 30 minutes late to where I needed to go. Life of a freshman.

So, moral of the story, don't trust those tiger transits (even though i'll probably ride one tomorrow.)

War eagle y'all.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fake Break.

Yo people. So, right now I definitely should be writing an 8 page paper that's due tomorrow (sorry mom) instead I'm blogging. It's okay though because me and my rooms decided to be all BA and pull an all nighter in the library tonight. I know you're jealous, and you should be. Anyways, this weekend, after a miraculous win that Auburn somehow pulled off, I headed to the Ham. Ahh, the feel of my bed, the smell of home-cooked food, and shopping with my very best pals. Perfect weekend until.... oh wait, the power went out and my parents (or mom) freaked out and refused to let me drive to Auburn until I demanded that I come back to Aubs, but luckily for me this happened at 9 pm. Yeah, annoying. So I got in my car and remembered something AWESOME! 

One of my very best friends is going through a break up, so what else would you do besides make a break up cd, right? Yes I know, its the best idea on the planet! And lucky for me, I made it this weekend. So although the cd full of sad, depressing, and angry songs did not apply to me, I popped that cd into my cd drive in my car and jammed for 2 hours straight. Now, you don't realize how much you love that kind of stuff until you don't have it. Seriously, thing I miss most about college; singing in my car. I know it may sound lame, but lets face it, we all do it. And it's not the same without you being in your car, where "no one can see you" even though the whole world and there mom can look through your windows at anytime and watch you singing at the top of your lungs. But something about being in your car, makes you think you're invisible, and I don't know about y'all, but I take full advantage of that and sing shamelessly. Judge me if you want and see if I care, because I literally had the time of my life all alone in my car at 9:42 pm. Oh and to make it WAY better, there's a Krystal's on the way to Auburn, and this girl stopped and got not 1, but 2 corn-pups. Now, judge me again, but for all of you who are judging, you shouldn't judge until you try one. It is literally the best, greasiest, most yummy thing ever. And pretty top notch on the comfort food scale.

So pretty much, I went on a vigorous drive to Auburn, late at night, while listening to a break up cd, and eating comfort food. And I have never been happier. Oh and I forgot to say it was rainy! Wow, you guys, I am really trying to relive it here.

So this morning I woke up, threw on a sweat-shirt and my rain boots and trucked it up to class, to find that class got cancelled. I ran by Starbucks, came home and turned on the christmas lights (it's crazy how much better they make things), and got in my cozy little bed while keeping my socks on. My awesome room-mate picked out a movie and heated me up a Krispy Kreme donut, and we sat and sat. And then, guess what? I popped in my break up cd and am currently going through the ups and downs of it again. Life's good y'all, its real good. Sometimes, we need those days where things may be a little down, to appreciate all the things that are good.

Love your life y'all, even on days like these.

And now I will post you the AWESOME break up cd I have, so you can remake it if you need it, or even if you're like me and don't need it at all.

1. Someone Like You- Adele
2. Cold Front- Amie Miriello
3. Breakable- Ingrid Michaelson
4. Heavy Heart- Madi Diaz
5. Gravity- Sara Bareilles
6. All I Wanted- Paramore
7. Where the Story Ends- The Fray
8. Basket Case- Sara Bareilles
9. Slow Dancing In a Burning Room- John Mayer (covered by Jayme Dee)
10. Skyscraper- Demi Lovato
11. Inventing Shadows- Dia Frampton
12. Keep Breathing- Ingrid Michaelson
13. Feeling Sorry- Paramore
14. Over Me Now?- Gloriana
15. I Can Do Better- Avril Lavigne
16. Best Thing I Never Had- Beyonce
17. Everything You're Not- Demi Lovato
18. He Wasn't- Avril Lavigne
19. Brick By Boring Brick- Paramore
20. Kerosene- Mirana Lambert
21. F You/ Gonna Get Over You- Sara Bareilles