Sunday, June 19, 2011


It's father's day, so I figured tribute to da fathers out there?

But seriously, my dad is the And I am not kidding. He seriously is the coolest.

My dad taught me so much about music (aka my favorite thing like in this world.) As a child he would sing me to sleep almost every night. He introduced me to the truly skillful singer/ song-writers that could never be replaced. My music taste has come completely from him, and for that I am insanely thankful!

Okay, when I say that me and my dad appreciate food, I am not kidding. We really love us some good grub. We are often fascinated at how beautifully food is arranged and foods ability to be so skillfully made that you can taste every single flavor in them. We are a big food family. And he can seriously make the best pancakes on this planet. Wanna challenge that statement? Well, I accept the challenge completely and you will regret making that challenge once you have a bite of his delicious, crispy around the edges, buttery pancakes. So good you don't even need syrup (but I mean syrup makes them even better) but it isn't even necessary.

Okay my dad is freaking hilarious. And I mean Hi-Lar-I-Ous. Like laugh-out-loud funny. Now of course there are times where I laugh at him rather than with him, but that's exactly what I love! He taught me how to laugh at myself. Seriously, this man laughs at his own jokes before he can even finish them. I love this light- heartedness factor about him. He is no way intimidating at all. So if you feel intimidated by him, just don't. But honestly, I don't know anyone that is at all. He's pretty much a goober, and who doesn't love a good goober?

So there's like 4371846729 more awesome things about him, but there is just to many to write. (cliche, huh?) but it's true. Anyways, I love my dad.  And yes, me and my dad have some songs that we both really enjoy and below is one of the first that we both truly loved. I know you see it. Yeah, you've probably heard it from The Dixie Chicks or on gLee or something. But that right there is the real deal. A little fleetwood mac up in here! Which includes the fabulous Stevie Nicks, whom I want to name my daughter after (yeah, I wanna name my daughter Stevie. Pretty BA). So enjoy some real music for a change and watch that.

and now a cover because I am sucker for covers... and for random people on youtube who are not famous so here ya go.

Ohhh yeah, and he taught me this,

Um, wait. What?

    Well hey there blogging world! I don't really need to describe myself that vividly, for this is what a blog will do in itself, BUT I will describe myself in a couple of words very quickly. Fashion, food, music, and friends. I tried to think of a way to say them all in words that started with "f", as you can see I failed. But don't you hate, there's not an "f" word that is equivalent to music. Also, I should probably explain my name, Loosey. Well, my real name is Lucy (and if you didn't already know that then don't you dare read anymore because that is totally creepy and you shouldn't be reading my blog anyway). You bloggies should know that I, Lucy Hughes, have an odd affection for speaking similar to a colored, young woman that lives deep in the heart of the ghetto. I don't know where this came from, but this odd talent of mine is used quite thoroughly and has kind of become a part of me somehow. My alter-ego's name is Loosey. Hints, my name is Loosey on this blog.

    So the reason I have this blog you ask? Well, I figured since I love to talk, why don't I blog. I mean, I spend most of my time talking to the air anyways (because my friends tune me out, not because I have no friends). Also, I am approaching my freshman year of college, WAR EAGLE, and I had to make a way for my mom to stalk my life without Facebook, because old people don't need those, so I made this.

   This blog will be about my life, which is very eventful and is similar to a dramatic film (sarcasm), and it will be about the things I love most (fashion, food, music, and friends). Oh yeah, and there's this huge thing that it will be about, and that is my relationship with my Heavenly Father (no I didn't forget it, I just wanted to save best for last, duh.)

   Anyways, it is 2:51am. Yes, I know that is terribly messed up. I am terribly messed up. I go to sleep late and wake up late, except for tomorrow because I have to wake for church, so this is very idiotic of me. Oh and let me warn y'all of a couple of things. 1. I ramble, so get used to it. 2. My grammar is horrible and I don't care one bit. 3. I'm not a writer by any means so just bare with me. 4. I don't know proper blogging techniques and how to make this whole thing super cool, so I'm sorry for not making this the best looking blog ever, but I assure you I will get better. I think that is all. I will probably sit here and think of more things, and will regret not saying them on here but oh well. So, I guess this is goodbye for now.

    Peaze out ladiez and gentz,
(P.S. I will also occasionally talk like this  just because I want too)