Thursday, January 19, 2012

complicated < simple

I probably should learn not to blog at the current emotional state I am in. It's just been one of those days. I've been at school from 11am-6pm (yikes) I decided I was to lazy to get dinner, so I have been sitting in my dorm room, alone, for 4 hours. On the internet and watching tv, aka doing nothing productive.

I have begun to stress over the dumbest thing ever. You want to know what it is? It's God's plan for my life. (Okay sorry about the extra cheese, but hey we finally made it there, didn't we?)

Lately I have been freaking out about what next year holds, as a matter of fact, i've been freaking about what tomorrow holds. I freak out about my days, which makes zero sense when I realize that God has a plan and purpose for my life, and that He blesses those who serve Him.

Now that we have claimed that I am a complete idiot, we can understand the truth in this for all of us.

If anyone wants to talk about feeling alone, or at all unwanted, this girl KNOWS what you're talking about. Im the queen of throwing pity parties for myself. I am a total whiner, i'll admit. It annoys me just as much as i'm sure it annoys others. But I realized that I may not have life as easy as some others and I may not get everything I want, but I am given something and that is more than enough. I am given eternal life, and confidence in it. There are no strings attached, because I for one wouldn't exactly call loving the God who made me and made this world a difficult thing. Simple love is all He wants from us. People make it so complicated, when it can be so simple.

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness" Lamentations 3:22-23

And an apology for the TMI posts, they will get less TMI--y, swear.